Opening your pool back up for the summer is always an exciting moment. Hopefully, you worked with your pool technician to do the required prep work to get it ready for the winter closure, which goes a long way toward a smooth pool opening. Yet, you might notice a few odd things as you open up your pool, and taking care of the repairs now will ensure a summer that’s filled with fun.
Fix a Leaky or Broken Equipment
At some point, even the best-maintained pool can spring a leak. Pool pumps operate under a tremendous amount of pressure that increases the wear and tear on the components. Sometimes small cracks can develop in the pool or piping system that require immediate attention. Equipment like filters, seals, and knobs can also crack especially if the pool was not winterized properly. When it comes to pool openings in Bucks County, stopping leaks is a common request during the start-up of the swimming season.
Replace a Clogged Filter
Regular pool maintenance in Doylestown, PA helps to keep the filters lasting for many years. While most cartridges and sand filters last for five years or more, they will eventually need to be replaced. You’ll want to add this to your list of pool repair needs if you know that the filter is reaching the end of its life span or you aren’t sure when it was installed. Even better, you’ll want to clean the filter every season to ensure it’s clean and working properly. Doing so can save you from the headache of dealing with swampy water, despite your efforts at keeping it clean.
Repair the Tile and Grout
Broken tiles can pose a risk for cuts and scrapes depending upon where they are located. The broken tile or grout can also allow water to leak into areas where it shouldn’t. Repairing tiles is easier when the pool is already drained or low on water, and doing it now means that you won’t need to refill it in the middle of the summer.
Make Sure the Heater Works
Getting a jumpstart on opening your pool means that you likely hope to spend as much time as possible swimming with your family and friends. In Pennsylvania, a pool heater is a must-have since the weather can stay fairly chilly until we have consistent 80-90 degree summer days. If the heater doesn’t work, then getting it repaired means that you’ll be able to enjoy more hours in your pool rather than having to wait for that perfect summer day. If you need a complete upgrade, then ordering and having a new heater installed at the beginning of the season is the way to go!
Get Your Pool In Prime Condition With Professional Repairs
Swimming pool season is a busy time, but doing a few repairs now helps you to enjoy this backyard amenity without having to shut it down during the peak season. Did you notice a few strange noises, broken tiles, or odd water leaks around your pool last summer? Or, do you just want to check things out before you open the pool up for fun? Give us a call today to make those needed repairs that go a long way toward keeping your swimming pool comfortable and functional.