Latest Trends in Pool Design

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Latest Trends In Pool Design

Your outdoor pool should be a beautiful personal oasis. If it is not living up to the dream you had in mind, it is likely time for some renovations and redesigns to get more out of your space. The following are some trending pool designs that are all interesting options to consider for your pool […]

Tips To Design Your Dream Pool Oasis

admin Pool and Patio Tagged
Tips To Design Your Dream Pool Oasis

Swimming pools are a great addition to any outdoor living space, whether they are above ground or set in the ground. If you want a change of atmosphere, or you’re currently designing your pool and its surroundings, you’ll want to keep some things in mind. There are several new innovations that you may want to […]

Caring For Your Pool Cover

admin Pool and Patio Tagged
Caring For Your Pool Cover

Without a pool cover, leaves, dust, branches, and soot can make your pool dirty and make for a big clean up come Spring. During the winter, the filters can’t remove debris that falls in the pool so it’s essential to find a cover that minimizes the accumulation of leaves and other items. Whether you have […]

Tips To Keep Your Pool’s Water Crystal Clear

admin Pool and Patio Tagged
Tips To Keep Your Pool’s Water Crystal Clear

For anyone that lives in a cold climate, one of the most enjoyable times of the year is the late spring and early summer, when you can start to enjoy the weather. For those looking to maximize their experience this summer, investing in a pool can be a great option. When you are going to […]

Spring Into Swim: Tips For A Successful Pool Opening

mtlake Pool and Patio Tagged
Spring Into Swim: Tips For A Successful Pool Opening

Spring is upon us, and now is the time to prepare your pool for a successful opening. Successfully preparing your pool for summer sets the stage for months of enjoyment, and to help kickstart the process, we have compiled a list of tips to ensure your pool is safe, clean, and ready to go.  If […]

Choosing The Right Cover For Your Pool’s Protection

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Choosing The Right Cover For Your Pool’s Protection

Cold temperatures and snowfall often create issues for pool owners, especially when it comes time to reopen the pool in the spring and summer. Using a pool cover during the winter is the best way to keep the pool clean by removing leaves, dirt, and debris. If you are not already using a pool cover, […]

Common Winter Pool Concerns

mtlake Pool and Patio Tagged
Common Winter Pool Concerns

As winter continues, homeowners with pools often face a range of concerns specific to the colder months. While it’s tempting to simply cover up the pool and forget about it until spring, neglecting certain winter pool maintenance tasks can lead to costly repairs in the future. In this guide, we’ll address some of the most […]

Debunking Common Misconceptions About Winter Pool Maintenance

mtlake Pool and Patio Tagged
Debunking Common Misconceptions About Winter Pool Maintenance

Properly caring for your pool during the winter months is crucial to ensuring that you’re able to open your pool back up without any issues once the weather is more suitable. The problem? There are many winter pool maintenance myths and misconceptions that can cause some pool owners to take action that’s not necessary. If […]

Year-Round Pool Care Tips

mtlake Pool and Patio Tagged
Year-Round Pool Care Tips

Owning a pool in the state of Pennsylvania can be a great option as it will provide you with a great place to spend time, relax, and entertain others throughout the year. As you are looking to purchase a pool, you also need to be aware of all the pool maintenance that is required for […]