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Latest Trends In Pool Design

Your outdoor pool should be a beautiful personal oasis. If it is not living up to the dream you had in mind, it is likely time for some renovations and redesigns to get more out of your space. The following are some trending pool designs that are all interesting options to consider for your pool renovation:

Naturalistic Design

A naturalist or organic-shaped pool will effectively mimic natural bodies of water. They are characterized by irregular shapes and include natural elements like rock formations and purposeful landscaping that is designed to blend seamlessly into the surrounding environment. This is the most ideal option if you want your pool to feel more like a pond surrounded by trees and landscaping. 

Vanishing Edge Pools

Also known as infinity pools, vanishing edge pools are another trending option in modern pool design, captivating many pool enthusiasts. The overall design of this type of pool creates the illusion that the pool’s edge seamlessly blends into the horizon and surrounding landscape. Vanishing edge pools utilize innovative engineering and are installed in unique locations like rooftops, hillsides, and more, taking advantage of breathtaking views. For this look but on a smaller scale, the hot tub can be raised with a vanishing edge into the pool below. The result is visually impressive and promotes luxury and tranquility in equal parts. 

Smart Pools

Another trending type of pool design is smart pools that embrace smart home technology. Just as smart technology has made its way into home design, smart tech can also be incorporated into pool design. For example, a smart pool might feature a system that allows you to monitor and then adjust water temperature, control water features like fountains or jets, check chemical levels, and adjust lighting, all from an app on a smartphone or tablet.

Saltwater Pools

Saltwater pools are known to be gentle on the skin, easier on fabric like your swimsuit, and cut down on the amount of chemicals needed to maintain beautiful, clear water. While the term saltwater might call to mind a saltier environment than you desire, in reality, saltwater pools have pretty low levels of salt, even lower than human tears and nothing close to the ocean. Therefore, this is a gentle way to keep a pool clean and easier to maintain in the long term. In addition, because it only impacts the way the water is filtered and processed and not the pool design itself, you can incorporate a saltwater option into virtually any of the trendy pool designs. Add some beautiful outdoor furniture in Quakertown, PA, and other local areas in Bucks and Montgomery counties to the setting, and your pool will be the hub of your entire family. 

Fire and Water Features

The contrast of the natural elements of fire and water has become a desired trend in contemporary pool design. This trendy look is achieved by incorporating fire elements placed strategically around the pool itself. Items like torches, fire bowls, or even fire pits are situated around the pool to create a mesmerizing ambiance that comes from the joining of these two powerful and beautiful elements. This look is especially dramatic and impressive in the evening when the sun goes down, making it ideal for nighttime summer gatherings. The beautiful juxtaposition of the flickering warm glow and the cool, clear water adds an element of sophistication and drama to the outdoor space. 

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Features

Last but certainly not least, sustainability has increasingly become a priority in pool design and has led to the incorporation of many eco-friendly features. These designs utilize eco-friendly materials, feature energy-efficient equipment, and use water-saving technologies. They include using environmentally friendly technologies, like energy-efficient pumps, water conservation measures, and solar-powered heating systems. The idea is to help you reduce your overall ecological footprint while still enjoying your beautiful personal oasis. 

Contact us Today to Create Your Dream Pool

If any of the above pool designs sound like something you would love to have at your home, contact us at Mt. Lake Pool & Patio. We are happy to help you as the best pool renovation company in Montgomery County, PA to update your existing pool into the luxurious getaway you have always dreamed of.