As the end of the year rapidly advances, it becomes time for all pool owners to close their pools for the season. This process must be properly executed to avoid costly damage. The professionals at Mt. Lake Pool & Patio wish to offer instruction regarding the most appropriate methods of performing pool closings in Montgomery County, PA.
The Reasons The Pool Closure Process Is Critical
Failing to adequately close your above-ground pool often leads to numerous problems. The biggest concern is making sure your equipment and piping are winterized properly to avoid freeze damage. Additionally, inattentiveness may precipitate structural damages like cracks that could ultimately cause leaks and noticeable physical deterioration necessitating costly repairs.
Proper Pool Closure Procedure
Correctly executed pool closings involve the completion of several key steps like:
Performing A Thorough Cleanse
Before taking any other action, you need to thoroughly clean the pool. Cleaning the pool involves removing leaves and debris, vacuuming, backwashing the filter, and emptying baskets and pump baskets. Such efforts will reduce the enormity of any spring opening undertakings and lessen the chances of potentially harmful algae or mold growth.
Ensuring Proper Water Balance
You must make sure the pool’s water is balanced. Important chemical measurements you should pay close attention to include the pH balance, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and chlorine levels. Completing this task increases water safety and decreases the probability of damage to the finish of the pool including the walls and the floor.
Removing Supportive Equipment
Be sure to remove things like ladders, steps, vacuums, and deck equipment. This will protect the items from harsh winter weather giving you many more seasons of use.
Applying Winterizing Chemicals
These substances are specially designed to protect your pool from problematic events like algae overgrowth or other untoward winter occurrences. Common winterizing chemicals include liquid chlorine, winter algaecide, stain and scale, and slow dissolving algaecide tablets to keep in your pool during winter.
Cleaning Important Components
You are encouraged to clean key features such as the skimmer, filter, and pump baskets. This will prevent debris accumulation. It’s also imperative that after lowering the water level all lines are blown to prevent freeze damage.
Positioning The Cover
The final step should involve covering the pool. You can install a solid or mesh cover depending on what type you like best. A cover just ensures all that work you did keeps debris out throughout the Winter season until you reopen in the Spring. A pool cover is also peace of mind if you worry about animals or children when it snows and you can no longer see the outline of the pool.
Contacting Us
If you own an in-ground pool and are searching for a pool company in Buckingham, PA for assistance in this crucial task, we implore you to contact us. Our highly trained team of experts can help you execute your pool winterization appropriately and safely.