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Are you searching for the right algae chemical for your pool? Owning a pool means taking on the responsibility of maintaining it. To keep your pool functioning well all season long, you must ensure that it is free from algae and any other infestations. If you notice an accumulation of algae in your pool, you can become a pro algae killer using the right chemicals. Our pool service in Collegeville, PA, can provide you with the tools you need to take care of algae infestations. We can help you decide from these common pool chemicals to master algae control:

1. Polyquats Algaecide

This chemical is ideal if you notice any discoloration on the walls of your swimming pools caused by staining algaecides. It is suitable for killing stubborn algae families because of its higher concentration of (around 50 to 60%). It is among the top active and expensive algaecides on the market.

2. Copper Based Algaecide

This chemical has copper as its active ingredient, which works to kill and prevent the spread of algae in your swimming pool. Copper-based algaecide is effective in killing different types of algae because it lasts longer in pool water. It is effective in killing green pool algae, mustard algae, pink pool algae, and black pool algae.

This algaecide works by producing residuals on the swimming pool walls where you are likely to find algae. When the algae come into contact with the chemical residual, they die almost instantly. Unlike other types of non-copper algaecides, copper-based algaecide does not lead to the formation of foam on your pool and helps you conquer algae cleaning. 

3. Quaternary Algaecide

Quaternary algaecides have ammonium compounds as their active ingredients to eradicate a variety of algae that might infect your pool. Unlike copper-based algaecide, quaternary algaecide does not stain your swimming pool walls or floor. It comes in a liquid form with a  concentration that ranges from 5% to 50%.

Using it in excess can cause foam on top of your pool, so be sure to follow the instructions to avoid this unsightly accumulation.

4. Sodium Bromide

This swimming pool algae killer chemical can be used during the shock treatment of your pool. It is ideal for killing mustard or black algae. However, you can only use sodium bromide solution on cleaning systems compatible with bromine and chlorine compounds. It would help if you did not use it on biguanide-based systems. Pools frequently utilize sodium bromide (NaBr) as an efficient algae treatment, which improves the sanitizer’s capacity to maintain clear, algae-free water.

A unique solution that efficiently targets and eradicates obstinate yellow algae is the best algaecide for mustard algal, keeping your pool water clean and clear. Mt. Lake Pools can provide you with many solutions and great assistance.

With the above list of top chemicals for fighting algae in your swimming pool, you’ll be able to get rid of algae as soon as you notice it. Contact us today for pool maintenance in Montgomery County, PA, and more information on algae chemicals for the pool.