You will want to keep your patio furniture in Montgomery Count PA safe from any possible damage when bad weather occurs, and there are several ways to protect beautiful tables, chairs and chaises. Here are some of the best tips for protecting your home’s patio furniture.
Tip 1: Do Not Store Furniture Upside Down
Some people have dining sets and deep seating sets with lots of extra accessories. It can be easy to take your end table and flip it upside down onto the seat of the sofa for winter storage. We highly recommend NOT storing furniture upside down to avoid water damage. Water damage occurs when aluminum furniture is stored upside down and gets water into the legs that trickles down to the top of the furniture. This can create blistering or bubbling on the finish of the frame which is not covered under warranty. Always store your furniture upright!
Tip 2: Patio Furniture Covers
You can find an assortment of patio furniture covers at a specialty store that sells patio furniture. Use a measuring tape to measure the furniture before shopping at the store. Have the measurements on paper so that you can choose the proper sizes for your patio furniture. Remember if the covers are too large, then the items might blow away in the wind, but you also can’t have covers that are too difficult to place on the chairs, tables and sofas. The covers we carry are cinched like a fitted sheet and also include ties making it very easy to either push under your furniture or tie to the bottom.
Tip 3: Storing the Patio Furniture
Aluminum furniture is build to withstand the winter temperatures, but it’s no secret that the BEST form of protection is to store your furniture indoors if you have the ability. Whether it’s a shed, basement or storage unit, keeping your furniture indoors during the winter months will only increase its lifespan.