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3 Ways to Renovate Your Pool With Mt. Lake

Renovating your pool will help you get more out of it. You can also increase the value of your home. That is why it is a good idea for you to call one of the best pool companies in Montgomery County, PA, and ask them about renovating your pool. You can have the following things done to your pool.


Tile renovation work can be done big or small. Lots of people just want small repairs completed to fix a chip or fallen pieces of tile. Others want the entire pool redone bringing a fresh, new look to their pool. Choosing tile can be a daunting experience, which is why you want to choose a place that will allow you to look at and take home samples. You can contact Mt. Lake pools about pool renovations in Montgomery County, PA, and we can provide tile samples and recommendations.


Coping is the border surrounding the edge of the pool. The most popular look is to go with bluestone. Its sleek, blue-gray hue will add a classic, updated, modern look to your pool area. Other options include travertine or natural stone, brick, paver, and concrete. Stop into your local pool professionals showroom to view samples of coping and get the best recommendation based on your needs and your pool. 


Plaster is the bottom finish of your pool. Over the years, you may experience paint chipping or cracks on the surface of the pool. It’s important to get these looked at before potentially leading to more damage later. If you need repair or just want a complete renovation, plaster is the most durable way to finish your in-ground pool. The color of plaster will have a major impact on what color your water will look like from above. Your pool water can be aqua blue, muted blue, a soft gray-blue, and more! Find samples at Mt. Lake Pool & Patio in Doylestown, Pa. 

Whether you need a small repair or complete pool renovation, Mt. Lake Pool & Patio has everything you need to get your pool in the best shape possible for the summer season. For more information on renovating your pool and patio, contact Mt. Lake Pools today!