Preparing Your Space for a Game Room

Whether you’re on your own or in a family of eight, no living space is complete without a game room.  It’s a great place to relax and unwind, to share laughs and make memories, and to have fun with people you care about.  When you’re working on creating the ideal game room there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind.

Accessible Outlets

There are few things more frustrating than setting up an entertainment system or TV only to find the cord doesn’t reach the outlet.  As you prepare to create your ideal game room, be mindful of where your outlets are located.  You may want to have some extensions or powerstrips handy.  You’ll also want to make sure that either your outlets are three-prong, or that you have adapters just in case.

Windows, Lighting, and Glare

Not every game room is going to have a TV or video games.  But many will, and it’s important to be mindful of how the light from the sun scatters in the room.  If it creates a glare on your TV that can make it very difficult to enjoy whatever it is that you’re watching or playing.  If natural lighting may cause problems consider shades, blinds, or curtains that can reduce its strength and use internal lighting instead.

Take Proper Measurements

It’s one thing to envision how perfectly a specific piece of furniture will look in the room.  Making sure it fits is a completely different matter.  If you choose to add something large like a billiard table, ping pong table, or air hockey unit then you need to make sure it’s going to fit.  Write down measurements of the entire room that you’ve taken using a measuring tool with leveling ability to ensure accuracy.  


Game rooms often contain large, heavy, fragile, and/or expensive items.  These can create safety hazards in a variety of ways.  You should never have anything large or difficult to move near any of the exits, in case of a fire.  If you have your bar make sure the alcohol is out of reach of anyone underage, and be careful handling anything if you’ve been drinking.  Large and heavy items should be properly mounted or secured in place, such as a TV on a wall mount.  Small game pieces can be choking hazards for children or pets, so make sure they are put up after use.

Work With the Experts

The surefire way to guarantee your game room is picture perfect is by hiring a professional.  Mt. Lake Pool and Patio offers the best shuffleboard tables, ping pong tables, and billiard tables in Bucks County.  We carry leading brands in home recreation.  When the weather is nice and you want to have fun outdoors instead, you can count on our Doylestown pool service to set you up for summer.  Call us or visit us online today to learn more about our products and services.

Categories: Game Room